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3 Social Media Marketing Tactics to Help Improve Your Conversion Rates

Social media is in virtually everyone's hands at this point. And that pun was intended.

Social media is in virtually everyone's hands at this point: With a phone or tablet, you're connected. In fact, there are 2.3 billion active users on social media presently and those numbers are on the rise. This is great news for any business owner who is social media savvy. It means that as the number of people logging into social media increases, so does your potential client base.
But, there's a problem: How can you convert these social media users to become your clients? The answer is simple: With an effective social media marketing strategy, you can increase your conversions and boost your sales or signups. But, first you must acquaint yourself with the tips, tricks and tactics to make high conversion rates a reality.

Here's how you can get started.

Boost engagement.
It's called "social media": You're expected to socialize. That's why encouraging engagement is key for an effective marketing campaign. It will help you build the know, like and trust factors that will make people convert.

Tech marketer Daniel Wallock, at Wallock Media, captured the true essence of social media in a reference to Snapchat. "Using an ephemeral environment as a means to lure people into sharing their most intimate moments, Snapchat brings out what social media is best at," Wallock wrote, going on to say what that is: "getting people to speak their mind through fleeting images before a sea of disparate social connections."

In other words, if your posts, images or videos aren't getting people talking, then you're going to have a hard time getting them to buy.

If,instead, you create engaging posts, you give your target audience the opportunity to interact with you, and of course, get to know you better in the process. In fact, that kind of interaction creates a bond such that the next time you make an offer, your audience will be more prone to going for it.

Give tons of value.
You should be interacting with your target audience and building relationships with them. The next thing to do is to establish yourself as the go-to person in your niche, the person your audience looks up to for answers to their questions and solutions to their problems.

To achieve this, give a lot of value-packed content on social media. By value, I mean useful information that your audience is looking for that will give them results.

Whether that means a tip, a hack or a link to one of your tutorials, make sure it's something your audience will learn from. Valuable content gets shared a lot. This will help increase your reach.

Sharing valuable content boosts your conversion rates because the valuable information lets your audience know that you are an expert in your field. This in turn breeds trust and trust and is what will keep them coming back every time.
Kit up! Get the right tools.

Ever heard of the saying, "Consistency is key"? Well, when it comes to social media, consistency is absolutely non-negotiable. Your marketing depends on it. In short, you need to be constantly in touch with your target audience. That proximity keeps them in mind of you, your brand and your offering.

However, be subtle about this: If you're going to show up three or more times a day 24/7, you'll definitely burn out at the end. So, rhink about soliciting a bit of help.

Make friends with scheduling tools like Hootsuite, Buffer or MeetEdgar to help you maintain that consistency. You can create your content in batches and schedule it ahead for the week, while you can focus on other marketing efforts and save time.

Another tool to have under your belt is one that will help you track your conversions. The first one on this list is Kissmetrics. This is a robust analytics platform that will help you track who goes to your site and help you determine your conversion rates from each social media platform you use.

While you're at it, make sure to take a look at Cyfe and Click. Cyfe will give you more detailed information on the rate at which your content is being shared on social media. It also has really fantastic social media tracking features that will let you know how much engagement you get on your social media platforms. Click, on the other hand, will help you boost your conversion rates.

Of course there are a whole lot of other tools out there to help marketers improve their conversion. Don't be afraid to test them out and stick with the ones that give you the best results and help you feel comfortable with.

- Toby Nwazor 

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