It may be a bit of
a generalization, but I don’t think that I’m out of line when I say that
entrepreneurs, on balance, are an impatient bunch.
order to build a successful business, you have to hustle and be somewhat of a
hard-charger. Impatience, unsurprisingly, is a common byproduct of the
entrepreneurial mindset.
know that I certainly used to fall into this category. It was only after several
years of running BodeTree that I came to realize that in
business, patience truly is a virtue.
“ready, fire, aim” syndrome
have a tendency to rapidly evaluate situations as I encounter them, which is
both a blessing and a curse. In the best cases, this rapid assessment enables
me to quickly grasp a situation and plot a path forward.
the worst cases, however, this rapid-fire though process creates a chasm
between me and the people I’m working with. When this happens, I find myself
jumping forward to a conclusion while others are still processing the
information at hand.
“ready, aim, fire” syndrome is all too common amongst entrepreneurs, and while
sometimes it leads to rapid iteration and growth, more often than not it
results in problems.
my experience, the rapid conclusion I reach is occasionally not as solid as I
think. Sometimes, I overlook critical details, implications, or opportunities.
Other times, I grow impatient and end up alienating the people I’m working with.
is self-sabotage
you jump to a hasty conclusion, you end up creating an artificial timeline in
your mind. When people or processes fail to align to that timeline, the mind
can run wild.
begin to question the motives and intentions of the people on the other side of
the equation and put forth ultimatums that may or may not be considered
reasonable. This often leads to two unfortunate outcomes.
impatience makes you look desperate. Pushing a partner too aggressively or
issuing unreasonable ultimatums is extremely off putting. In my experience,
I’ve found that such actions come across as a major red flag to external
parties. More often than not, it kills the deal.
and perhaps most importantly, this kind of impatience is the ultimate
self-sabotage. It clouds the judgement, detracts from your credibility, and
damages relationships.
particularly guilty of this behavior. Several years ago, my co-founder and I
were approached by a public technology company looking to acquire BodeTree. The
deal would have been transformative and extremely lucrative, but the due
diligence process seemed to drag on for longer than necessary.
my naïveté, I adopted a “take it or leave it” stance with the other company.
Unsurprisingly, they opted to “leave it.”
back, I realize that I allowed my impatience to influence my actions, which in
turn ultimately scuttled the deal. It was perhaps the most powerful example of
self-sabotage in my career to-date.
good things take time
thing I’m sure of in this world is that nothing of value comes easily. In
fact, anything of value takes time, whether it’s a matter of developing a
skill, building a relationship, or launching a business initiative.
entrepreneurs like myself like to simplify matters as much as possible, the
truth is that the world is a complex place, full of nuance.
example, a recent deal that saw BodeTree acquire another business took seven
months from start to finish. As far as acquisitions go, this was relatively
fast, but of course it didn’t feel that way while in the thick of the process.
said before that every deal dies three times before it closes, and this was no
exception. There were a number of instances where it appeared that the deal
would fall through, and I know that had I given into my natural impatience,
they would have.
everyone involved was able to keep their wits about them and reach a successful
conclusion. The result was an opportunity that made sense for everyone
involved. It reminded me of the old maxim: all good things take time.
really is a virtue
entrepreneurs, we live in a world that values quick thinking and dynamic
action. This is not a bad thing in and of itself. However, when you allow these
traits to manifest in the form of impatience, problems arise.
As difficult as it
may be, entrepreneurs must remember that patience, especially in business,
truly is a virtue.
- Chris Myers
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