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The 12 Skills Every Millionaire Must Have

The 12 Skills Every Millionaire Must Have
If you want to become a millionaire, you need the skills to pay the bills.
Millionaires set themselves apart from the masses by the skills they possess. These skills are so well crafted that the average person does not realize them.
And this is what made them a millionaire in the first place.
In my journey to becoming a millionaire, I thought that these skills were impossible to cultivate. However, once I started meeting people who had them, I realized that I too could learn them.
After plenty of mistakes, I sought to refine them by studying the experts again. While some of those I studied were great at sales, others were great at marketing. I learned from the millionaires who were the best at each respective skill.
And that's how I became a millionaire!
Here are the 12 skills every millionaire must have:

1. Communication

Millionaires send out thousands of emails every year. Every email builds your brand. They are also specialists on the phone and meeting face to face. The more effectively you can share your message with the world, the more likely people will want to work with you. The level of your communication will determine the level of your wealth. 

2. Sales

In this world, you're either selling or being sold. Either way, you have to choose a side. If you seek to understand sales, which is the highest-paying profession, you will become a millionaire. Those who know how to sell know that it dramatically enhances the life of everyone. After all, everything around you has been sold.

3. Marketing and Branding

Your reputation is your best advertisement. Promoting yourself with marketing and branding your company is the cornerstone to any empire. Telling the world what you do in the clearest way possible will allow you to be known in the marketplace and will expand your business in unprecedented ways. Every millionaire has a good brand.

4. Emotional Intelligence

If you can take care of yourself, you can take care of thousands of people. Knowing human nature is the key to success. Millionaires understand motivation, body language, tone of voice, tact, diplomacy, empathy, and everything related to emotional intelligence. Most of this can be learned by simply paying attention to the people around you. Remember what Theodore Roosevelt said: "People don't care about what you know unless they know how much you care." 

5. Product and Service Innovation

Every millionaire must put a creative spin on the product and service that he offers. Ray Kroc, the founder of McDonald's, did not invent the hamburger, but he did excel at pioneering core values which helped him catapult the fast-food industry. Innovation will make you immensely wealthy, even if you deliver a product slightly better than your competitors.  

6. Organizing

Every millionaire has a system that works for her. They're well-organized and flexible enough to adapt to their changing environments. Almost every business decision you will ever make will come from your desk. If you're organized and know how to locate information in the fastest way possible, you will have the skills to become a millionaire. 

7. Goal-Setting and Planning

Plan your work and work your plan. This is the motto of all millionaires. No one can succeed without a well-defined plan. You must set your goals on a daily basis and plan your years, months, weeks, and days well in advance. Follow the 5 P's: Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance. Opportunities only come to those who are prepared.

8. Money Management

You can only be responsible over a large amount of money ($1,000,000) if you can take care of a small amount ($10). Millionaires know their bank balances at all times. They record their expenditures. They count their income. They do their own taxes (with a lot of help!). They know their financial standing. You can only obtain wealth if you understand your money. 

9. Philanthropy

Millionaires understand that the secret of living is giving. Many wealthy people give relentlessly. You can only be wealthy by enhancing the wealth of others. However, when it comes to charity, they don't just drop a check in the pile like most people do. Instead, they actually participate by knowing exactly where the money is going. 

10. Networking

Building relationships is instrumental in the world of business. You must be a reliable source in order to attract reliable sources. In my network, I have every conceivable skill available. It's only a phone call or email away. The only way you can get big things done is by employing those who can do the things that you cannot (or don't want to) do. The people you're looking for are also looking for you. 

11. Leadership

Every millionaire is a leader. They understand that they must follow great leaders as they become one themselves. They know when to take responsibility and initiative when tough situations occur. When testing time comes, they pass the test and assure others in a positive way that they are in good hands. A mark of a true leader inspires others that they can do the unimaginable.

12. Time Management

Prioritizing is focusing first on what needs to be done most. Millionaires don't go mowing the lawn when they know they need to do business. Since managing your time is more about managing your energy, you must seek ways to conserve your body and mind to focus on the projects that deserve your utmost attention. 
Honorable Mentions: Perseverance, Innovation, Coaching and Mentoring, Customer Service, Public Speaking, Storytelling, Traveling, Team Building, Negotiation, Etiquette, Conflict Resolution, Stress Management, Advanced Learning, etc.
Becoming a millionaire is easier than ever before. You have more avenues of expression to create a generous amount of money. There are over 15 million millionaires in the world today. If you are serious about becoming a millionaire, learn these potent skills and develop the faculties to possess the wealth you desire. And remember, the journey of wealth is more important than the destination!

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