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Showing posts with the label intelligence

Simple habits to boost your intelligence

Ah, the quest for mental prowess! 🌟 Whether you’re aiming to outwit riddles, conquer crossword puzzles, or simply impress your friends at trivia night, I’m here to share some delightful ways to give your brain a little extra oomph. Let’s dive in, shall we? Exercise Regularly : Yes, even your brain needs a workout! Physical activity isn’t just for biceps and quads; it’s also a brain booster. A brisk walk, a yoga session, or even a gentle hike can do wonders. Fun fact: Exercise promotes activity in the hippocampus—the memory hub of your brain. It’s like a little dance party for your neurons! 💃 Prioritize Sleep : Imagine your brain as a busy librarian. During sleep, that librarian organizes all the books (memories) on the shelves. So, aim for 7 to 9 hours of quality sleep each night. Sleep deprivation? Well, that’s like the librarian pulling an all-nighter and mixing up the Dewey Decimal System. Chaos ensues! 📚😴 Meditate Like a Zen Master : Meditation isn’t just for Himalayan monks. E

30 Under 30 In Enterprise Tech: Reinventing Business With Artificial Intelligence

In 2016  Alexandr Wang, 20 , took time off from his graduate computer science studies at MIT. He headed to Silicon Valley to join his friend and fellow developer  Lucy Guo, 23 . Two years  earlier, Guo - a 2014 Thiel Fellow - had left her senior year at Carnegie Mellon to pursue her own tech career.  Now, little more than a year after Wang left Cambridge, the two are leading a $4.7-million startup.  Scale , “The API of Human Intelligence,” serves such giants as Alphabet, P&G, GM Cruise and more. From high school dropouts to Stanford Ph.D’s, most of the  Forbes 2018 30 Under 30 Class in Enterprise Tech  are augmenting Artificial Intelligence with indispensable human skills.  Both Wang and Guo have substantial experience in tech, including stints at Snap and Quora. So they know that despite the considerable hype AI is, as they describe it, “not ready for prime time.” And, like much of this year’s class, they took risks to create something new. Scale offers immediate access t

The 7 Qualities of People Who Are Highly Respected

Respect is something not automatically given. It must be earned. When you’re in a leadership position, it is imperative that the people with whom you work respect you. They might respect your work habits, your intelligence, or your ability to close a deal. Yet, there’s more to respect than that. If you can earn their respect as a person,  then   you’ve really won the game. Here are some tips for earning more respect. 1. Be polite. Always be polite to  everyone  you meet during the day, from your family members to your co-workers, to the checkout person at the grocery store. Give others the same respect you’d like to receive yourself. Seek out actions you can take to offer politeness. Open the door at the coffee shop for the person behind you, or let the person with one item go ahead of you in the grocery store. Say please and thank you whenever possible. 2. Act respectfully. Eliminate disrespectful behaviors such as rolling your eyes, interrupting or talking negatively ab